The Different Cells Of The Immune System


Phagocytes are the first responders of the immune system. There are multiple different types of phagocytes that have a specific job. For example, macrophages are huge kiler cells that swallow viruses and bacteria and then melt them with acid. Another type of phagocyte is the neutrophil which is a crazy killer cell. They are very destructive to the invaders but also to your own cells as they spew proteins that hurt bacteria and self destruct themselves into an acid. The most imporatant phagocyte would be the Dendritic cell. These would be the brains of the immune system as they activate a powerful weapons factory. They bring samples of bacteria or virus they encouter and head to the lymph nodes where T cells are kept. If they find a cell with the exact same receptor as the bacteria it will then activate that specific T-Cell. There are still plenty of phagocytes but these three cells help simplify the huge process that is the Immune system.


Lymphocytes are originated from bone marrow and there are two types, B-Cells and T-Cells. Once activated a T-Cell can become a killer T-Cell or helper T-Cell. The helper T-Cells carry on the process of making the weapons factories that the dendritic cells started. The T-Cell makes it's way throughout the body to find a specific B-Cell which can make the right antibodies needed to help the phagocytes. Once a T-Cell finds that B-Cell it starts to replicate itself many times until the body thinks it has enough. They produce millions of anitbodies that pour through the bloodstream to the site of infection which help clears the last remaining bacateria. After the battle is won the remaining immune cells commit suicide to preserve resources. Other T-Cells and B-Cells become memory cells that can immediatly identify a bacteria or virus it had already encouter and more effectlively take care of it.

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